November 2021 – Force to Flow Insights and Predictions

The Winds Of Change And Re-invention
November begins with a strong image
A wall of people linking arms marching together in unison. They march to the one truth. They shout, whisper, and speak in unison. with courage and a warrior like energy, they no longer bow to fear.
This vision came to me when I was tapping into the solar eclipse of December 4th in Sagittarius at 12 degrees and it’s relationship to previous solar eclipse in June.
The combination of the June 10th solar eclipse of Sagittarius and Gemini conjunct mercury retrograde, soon to meet with Saturn and Uranus on 21st June gave rise to an onslaught of polarised information and all in between. The result – lack of clarity, polarisation, confusion, lies and deception. Confusion is the ultimate weapon of inertia.
However, the tide will turn and pandoras box of truth will reveal itself from behind the curtain of deceit by years end.
By early October, Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto, move out of their retrograde phase and go direct, opinions once censored or considered fringe will gain momentum to bring light to a dark situation. More information will emerge and expose the real agenda, the repercussions of mandated injections and those behind it.
In summary, the solar eclipse from June 2021 reflected confusion, deception and misinformation, now gives way to a more unified voice of love centred truth fused with inspiration and less fear whilst the old order is crumbling, and the new paradigm is still being formed.
As the vibrational impact of the lunar and solar eclipses for the next 6 months unfolds, the shadowland is being lit up for all to see. Be prepared for shocking truths running in parallel with blatant denial of truth. People will no longer be able to deny the reality, tipping the scales over to a new world wanting to materialise. Enter new media platforms to rival mainstream media. There is a growing hungry audience seeking information based in reality not spin. Old news cannot open new minds.
On the ground, Trump is behind Truth media and off to the side independents like Rumble and Locals are joining forces to eliminate third party platforms like twitter where you can have absolute control of your data and own your list. Trying to counteract this growing movement George Soras and cohorts are creating a media platform called “Good news”
Eclipses periods are intense and can bring about sudden and unexpected events, especially if acutely aspecting the individual’s chart. Like kicking down a locked door to reveal a new room.
What’s significant about the December 4th eclipse in Sagittarius is it’s the last associated eclipse with dynamic duo of Sagittarius and Gemini that began in March 2020. This is when lockdowns began as a means to curtail movement, the economy and promote fear.
The image I see with this is a door being slammed shut hard on this last 18 month period. That the masses have been woken up from the hypnotic stare from the proverbial tv screen. This relates to an image given to me around March 2020 showing,
Children holding hands and skipping around a xmas tree singing ‘Ring a Ring o Rosie’ – referencing the bubonic plague in England. The children were singing it happily oblivious to the stark reality of death, yet merrily singing about the symptoms.
Suddenly the children stopped singing as the xmas tree they so adored and “worshipped” disappeared. They were dazed and confused and no longer captive to the xmas tree and lost the connection to the song.
The translation behind this meant that the hypnotic grip (the media is symbolised as the xmas tree) was dissolved along with the song representing the virus’s one lane narrative. And now people were free to investigate and find their own truth.
The lunar eclipse of taurus/Scorpio begins a new cycle in these signs on November 19th for the next 18 months. It is also square Jupiter in Aquarius.
It is a signature pre-empting a rebirth, moving beyond the status quo, and the beginning of a fully audited reality check!
With Jupiter in Aquarius, this eclipse herald’s death and rebirth signatures, society will be pushed to re-invent itself. It’s the instigation and the seeding of new systems (after the ideas have been grounded) for the people to withstand bureaucratic overreach with a particular emphasis on the financial. A cash economy being replaced with a digital one, centralised and decentralised.
It will influence how we govern and distribute resources such as food, energy, water. Education and medical will see accelerated growth to meet the new age.
How these areas of industry, resources and systems re-invent, and who will control them will be determined over the next 18th months.
Earth changes and unusual weather phenomena will continue.
Newly seeded societal structures are being revealed already. An example of this are the fledgling parallel economies emerging when locked out of existing economies due to vaccine status. These ideas are solidifying and anchoring.
Over the next 6 months is the time for action and pragmatism. The onslaught of confusion over the previous 6 months is giving way to implementation. The rubber is hitting the road and gaining traction. Action is now at the fingertips of many who have just dreamed about a future of equality and sustainability and now is the time to do it.
Some examples of new or growing fringe economies
- Cooperatives and local food sustainability
- Energy systems beyond solar, wind, thermal, hydro and fossil fuels
- Decentralised financial systems
- Decentralised Automated organisations (DAO’s) – autonomous and self-governing internet community on blockchain technology trading with one another using digital currency.
- Media platforms providing privacy from data collection – no third-party ownership
- Energy medicine and natural health industry moving away from pharmaceutical allopathic dominance.
The intensity throughout November is strong. On October 31st Mars moved into Scorpio joining the Sun and Mercury on the 5th November, forming squares to Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius throughout the month of November.
With such strong themes of Scorpio, individually and collectively, our shadow side is up for a visit. It is where we face the denial of ourselves that have been hiding in the cracks.
No longer able to hide or avoid changes needed, healing and transformation appear as personal crisis to transmute unresolved anger and grief so we can make choices to create anew.
Will this ever stop?
Think of it like a movie and we are a third of the way through. It’s the dark phase, a critical phase and we just don’t quite see which way it will go, although the seeds of new frontiers are sneaking through.
During this period, Leaders who have abused their positions of power through lies, fraud and immorality could now find themselves being exposed as Scorpio reveals their dirty secrets which could include sexual misconduct and paedophilia over the coming months. Scorpio in Mars is swift, intense and war like. It brings about havoc and destruction upon illegitimate power bases. Mars demands justice through strength of conviction and courage not acquiescence. Court cases are one way, civil disobedience another.
During November, tensions, hostilities, and pressures in this regard are likely to increase and then reach a high and turning point in December.
Examples of this are visions I have been seeing relating to Australian politicians,
Daniel Andrews introduction of the new emergency legislation is dropped on the floor for all to trample. This is an interesting image as it shows disregard for the legislation even if it is passed similar to how people ignore him now. I also see solid gold goblets with encrusted jewels toasting to victory. The elite winning one more battle however his corruption deals, bribes and misappropriation of the law bring him before the courts. The judge smashes him with the gavel. The full extent of the law is brought upon him. In part, this legalisation is an attempt to render him untouchable against walls of justice closing in on him. Past and current corruption will be exposed. He can only protect himself for so long.
Scott Morrison is not immune, and I see him arrested for crimes within the next 6 months related to constitutional breaches and treasury fraud. I will leave it at that as there are many things happening behind the scenes that I cannot mention.
Annastacia Palaszczuk leaves Australian politics to take up another role, which interestingly looks to be associated with the UN. It’s an escape plan to avoid a criminal conviction currently building momentum against her.
In the US – It is only a matter of time and Fauci will be jailed, however he is granted reprieve from the death penalty for disclosing vital information so as to incriminate his cohorts.
As mentioned earlier, we are a third of the way through our transformational movie, a new epoch is awaiting but not before a tipping point of consciousness is reached of no return that includes,
- A re-invention of systems and how we use resources to serve the people as they can no longer comfortably fall back into the old 3D world of “normal”
- The shadow government and elite must be exposed and held to account to prevent any further enslavement systems being enforced.
November and December is a climax between those trying to take power and those refusing to give it over. A test of collective unification is underway.
This is a period of releasing and re-inventing and more importantly having no resistance to it.
Until next time, take good care of yourself.
Symmone x