October 2021 – Force to Flow Insights and Predictions

Can you feel the tectonic plates of consciousness shifting?
We are undergoing a major spiritual awakening, and the catalyst has been this virus, instigating a global physical, mental and spiritual crisis to rupture our sleepy enslaved state so we may begin the process of birthing a new world.
Rather like electric shock therapy, the onslaught of top-down authoritarian control and manipulation is serving to reinvent freedom of a different kind.
This period of upheaval is causing the acute realisation of the corruption and fear-based indoctrination whilst simultaneously exposing and identifying the puppet masters who have been operating in the shadows.
When we experience any crisis, it serves as a container for transformation.
It’s messy, chaotic, dramatic, and painful.
But here lies the gold, as we nudged or “pushed” into investigating self-imposed limitations that bind us to chains we no longer need.
… new ideas and systems unfold in the next 6-12 months
This current crisis of consciousness (and there have been many throughout the history of civilisation) is asking us to become sovereign, to decentralise power structures and disentangle from enslavement systems (namely the financial fiat currency system) perpetuating lack, struggle and powerlessness for many.
We are no longer compatible with the old systems governing our lives, but we haven’t yet created the new systems to step into.
We will see new ideas and systems unfold in the next 6-12 months such as co-operatives for communities, blockchain communication on phones, independent news channels, new currency and banking, political systems FOR the people, education.
For now, we are still extracting ourselves from the lies and divisiveness between people.
How long will this last?
We should see some relief and delivery of justice by October 2022,
– I share more in this video.
Let’s start with the beginning of the end
When Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, so began the corporate collapse of its house of cards, instigated by a catalyst – the subprime mortgage which spanned between 2007-2010. Pluto is Capricorn unearthed the greed and irresponsibility by the few, impacting many. The subprime mortgage exposed the fundamental flaws in our fiat currency system and misuse of power.
As a direct result of the subprime mortgage fiasco, A white paper on block chain technology was introduced to the world by a fictitious character called Satoshi Nakamoto. This paper delivered an antidote to a centrally controlled system by the elite. It’s very function, to create peer to peer transactions with complete transparency and without the need for 3rd parties like banks or government organisations.
Block chain viability was initially tested through decentralised monetary currency – crypto currency. Its uptake by the general population has been huge and interestingly, the crypto markets saw significant growth in Dec 2020 when Jupiter and Saturn went into Aquarius. More on that later.
Pluto in Capricorn shatter structures we have outgrown. It includes governments, tradition, authority, positions of power, materialism. When operating in shadow, Capricorn consumes, contracts and controls. When in light, constructive structures and governance enhance growth, legacies that are built to serve.
Pluto in Capricorn has only a few years to go before transitioning into Pluto in Aquarius. What we are observing is the collective consciousness birthing a new world and destroying redundant systems and the structures that house them. The one world gov or Agenda 21 would have you believe this new world is a done deal, however the new world is still a work in progress. One ideological system is trying to gain control over the ideals of many.
Some of you, well perhaps many of you are wondering when will the truth emerge from this global mass confusion and hysteria?
We are constantly confronted with polarised views and distorted information, censorship and propaganda with such ferocity, it would make Hitler seem amateurish.
The combination of the June 10th eclipse of Sagittarius and Gemini conjunct mercury retrograde, met with Saturn and Uranus that was about to make an exact square on the 21st June. Created an energy of polarised information and all in between. The result – lack of clarity, polarisation, confusion, lies and deception. Confusion is the ultimate weapon of inertia. However, the tide will turn and pandoras box of truth will reveal itself from behind the curtain of deceit by years end.
By early October, Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto, move out of their retrograde phase and go direct, opinions once censored or considered fringe will gain momentum to bring light to a dark situation. More information will emerge and expose the real agenda, the repercussions of mandated injections and those behind it.
In addition, we shall be seeing the seeds of new systems emerge as well as a proliferation of block chain tech applications based on the strong foundations of people power and not billionaire rule.
What could the rebirth of society look like?
Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius signals a new era of great social change. Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius made an exact conjunction in Dec 2020, it kicked off the Aquarian flavour of what is to come as we wait for Pluto to enter into Aquarius on March 2023. This astrological signature ushers in a more egalitarian society spanning across religion, music, literature, politics, philosophy, science, art. The last time this cycle occurred was in 1405AD – the beginning of the renaissance period meaning rebirth after a period of the Middle Ages where 55 years earlier a mysterious disease known as the “Black Death” (the bubonic plague) killed some 20 million people in Europe
When Pluto enters Aquarius in March 2023, the integration of digital currency as the mainstream means of transaction may begin. Will it be decentralised – for the people or centralised – government and central bank controlled digital currency?
Pluto in Aquarius is power to the people, yet for this to be a reality, our global village needs to step into their power. As a backwards way of coming forward, the exposure of what is rotten in our society compels us to change and through change we empower ourselves to build centres of equality, from the bottom up, sideways and diagonally but not top-down. A more resilient, autonomous society that can self-regulate and can quickly adapt to circumstances. Smaller diversified communities are a natural extension of this.
Pluto in Aquarius is an energy that is orientated towards humanitarianism, true democracy and unification. It ushers in new structures of science, technology, space travel, digital currency, new education systems, and alien contact. It is freedom in expression of self, regardless of race or ideology, connection with community and ways of uplifting individuation yet cohesively binding the collective together.
Like with any Pluto transit, it won’t be pretty at first and the pendulum can swing to its extreme a totalitarian regime, (as we are seeing) trying to control all in a single lane of conformity in a one world society adhering to one ideal by the few. One shoe does not fit all feet.
Does it seem like a complete overhaul of the very fabric of society is needed? Yes, and its happening because that’s what evolution does, it’s a constant kaleidoscope of development based on expansion of consciousness and simultaneously purging the dark. That’s why it feels so chaotic….a transformation containing the polarisation of old and new.
Evolution at this magnitude is an accelerated mass of the old heading towards a bottle neck of constriction. The power of its containment blows everything apart to be set free, there does not seem to be any other way as history has demonstrated to birth new societies
To paint the picture of previous events, the last time Pluto visited Aquarius was between 1778 and 1797.
We are witnessing the same explosive energy and planetary cycles as it happened for the American revolution.
The American revolution began in 1775 -1783, Pluto was in Capricorn at this time. The Declaration of independence, the basis for its constitution is still considered the pinnacle of democracy, (although blatantly being sideswiped currently) was written on 4th July 1776 when Pluto was in Capricorn in its last degrees. A fitting farewell to old structures – the English rule of control that Pluto in Capricorn represented so well. The entry of the Pluto in Aquarius energy solidified the foundations of what was fought for so a new society could be built
Another significant world social and power revolution was the overthrow of the French monarchy which began whilst Pluto in Aquarius 1787 joined by Saturn and Uranus for the extra volatility the French are capable of.
And these same cycles of revolution are in full swing now
Saturn square Uranus. The first square occurred in Jan 2021.
What is happening now is like the grinding of two tectonic plates, Saturn is in Aquarius squaring Uranus in taurus. It began in February 2021 and ends on October 2022 – the final showdown.
Saturn in Aquarius wants to maintain the grip of control, a singular ideology, restriction of freedom whilst Uranus in taurus imposes a complete breakdown and reform of the existing system…. specifically, money and encapsulates resources like water, land, food, physical structures.
There is no question a new monetary system will emerge. Uranus in taurus will see to this as it destroys the old for Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius to usher in another. We will most likely see the collapse of our fiat debt laden system within the next 6 months. How this will happen is anyone’s guess, but I will put forward that foreign countries destabilise the US dollar and a major bank collapsing maybe the catalyst.
From here, will the introduction of centralised digital currency controlled by a one world government filtering through governments dominate or will decentralised crypto currency governed by the people become established properly making the governance and current power structures obsolete?
With Uranus and Saturn going head-to-head, we will most likely see an ongoing war to control resources such as food, land and water, power, environment and internet. Control these and you control everyone. Earth changes: earthquakes, floods, droughts are also indicative of these signatures.
The labour pains will be long and most likely painful, but Uranus always leads us to new frontiers of exploration and with such strong aquarian themes, the power of the people cannot be underestimated.
Looking back on our individual experiences, we only have to remember the time it takes to realise what isn’t working, accept there are alternatives, make new choices, and head towards them. When we enter crisis mode, we don’t wake up the next day all squeaky clean and radiating a new life path. Time is needed to allow for individuals to unite and become cohesive in their collective thoughts and beliefs so a new world can become reality.
We only have to look to history to see the outcomes of totalitarian regimes. They fall. we can see the dawn of new day is on its way.
So I would like to leave you with some predictions for the next several months.
- There are many people bought, bribed and believe in the one world government. Once the first row in leadership or prominence leading these plans are removed, the subsequent rows of people behind them fall.
- Large corporate structures will collapse including banks.
- All mainstream media scaffolding and parasitic attachment to these corporate structures will be dismantled through regulatory reforms.
- Big tech will have their monopoly powers removed
- News will be generated by the people for the people
- Society will diversify into smaller communities, there will be far more self-governance introduced.
- The fiat (cash) system as it currently operates will collapse. I see this occurring in the next 6-12 months.
- Decentralised digital currency will be introduced (not controlled by one government)
- Governments currently operating as corporations will be dissolved.
- The declaration of independence and US will experience a death and rebirth. By early October 2021 a new energy and vision of what’s possible will begin to emerge. The constitution will be re-ignited and the principals it stands for.
Until next time, take good care of yourself.
Symmone x