December 2021 – Force to Flow Insights and Predictions

Release and Re-Visioning A New World
As we approach the end of the year and look back in hindsight at what feels like an unrelenting vice grip of confusion, chaos and uncertainty, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I am feeling the subtle but undeniable shift into the new world.
Have you felt it?
More light, less noise, increased intuition and calm, in comparison to November, December feels we are at a tipping point but not without a few shocks…
The solar eclipse on the 4th December in Sagittarius is heralding exploration and new beginnings. Jupiter entering into the sign of Pisces on the 29th December says dream and allow your visions to lead the way.
The image I saw capturing the essence of this eclipse was of a lone ship heading out on a vast calm sea towards the horizon, pioneering and seeking new lands to settle.
Release and Reinvention
Pioneering a new way, self-discovery leading to deliverance. With Jupiter in Pisces (dream and visions) providing good company for the next 12 months, it adds a sweetener to the tumultuous signature of Uranus square Saturn (breaking apart old systems) as we can connect with something bigger than ourselves, think heart energy on steroids.
There’s nothing like re-invention to activate our imagination to create from a blank slate. With this forced awakening, letting go and uncertainty pushes us in the search of something promising, beyond the thinking minds grasp.
The image encourages us to stay present whilst the destination remains hidden.
To release, we must let go of the past, wanting life to return to the way it was is no longer viable. This door has been shut and even if we wanted to go back, we can’t, the cords have been cut spiritually.
We are being asked to reinvent ourselves but not in the same way using logic or rationale. It may seem illogical to throw out a semblance of reason when everything around us is in chaos and many are grasping for a life jacket.
This is the path that intuition leads us on, a journey inward (Jupiter in Pisces) listening for that undeniable impulse to act. The pre-requisite is a good dose of non-resistance as we traverse through fear, worry and powerlessness.
Disentangling ourselves from our emotions is going to be key to deal with the insecurities being dredged up from the darkness of our past and the inflexibility of the situations we find ourselves in the present.
A narrow channel directing us towards the new world one step at a time. We can all reinvent the world. It’s knowing it. It’s believing it and trusting.
Another image I received,
“Little balloons that are falling from the sky and attached to these little balloons are gifts”
Whilst there may be so much unknown, those gifts are clues, messages to indicate that you are on the right path.
Watch out for the signs falling from the sky in December.
As with everything there is the other side of the coin to consider,
Approximately 12 months ago, I saw an image of cash falling from the sky and then burning to turn into ash to be scattered by the wind.
On December 19th, Venus turns retrograde and makes a conjunction to Pluto on the 26th Dec at 25 degrees very close to the US chart’s moon in Capricorn at 27 degrees.
Inflation, stagflation, government debt will be huge factors compounding the demise of an old system of monetary enslavement built on debt and a Ponzi scheme structure whose time has come to be buried.
Combined with the lunar eclipse of Scorpio (debt) and Taurus (money) and Saturn and Uranus on the 24thDec, expect to see crisis type events undermine the cash economy.
The crypto and stock market took a huge hit just after the solar eclipse on the 3rd Dec.
Over the next 6 months, we will see a war between the decentralised (crypto markets) and centralised financial (government and bank) platforms.
The same people who have controlled the central banking system are initiating CBDC’s (digital centralised currency) to enslave people with 24 hr surveillance and financial control underpinned by centralised blockchain.
The bridge to the new system is the covid passport which would seamlessly hook into the banking system when the digital currency is ready to roll out. It’s success is based on the entire population agreeing to be vaccinated so the passport can come into effect.
The master plan – the great reset isn’t working so well as many are awake to the deceit to destroy the fiat economy and move to CBDC’s. Hence the erratic and ongoing coercion to force people to be vaccinated under the pretence of a health directive to initialise the centralise blockchain financial system.
Let’s recap over November,
November’s energy of Scorpio reflected the shadowlands of the psyche hiding parts of yourself away in the cracks. November in particular was intense and transformative when coupled with the lunar eclipse in Scorpio/Taurus. More bang for your buck…. but not something one would normally wish for when Scorpio is concerned!
“During this period, Leaders who have abused their positions of power through lies, fraud and immorality could now find themselves being exposed as Scorpio reveals their dirty secrets which could include sexual misconduct and paedophilia over the coming month”
- November saw strong themes of paedophilia emerge as the public demand the release of the 90-year suppression order of known paedophiles in high profile leadership positions in Australia.
- The arrest and conviction of actress, Allison Mack and the ringleaders running a sex slave operation disguised as a self-help group called NXIVM in the US
- Ghislane Maxwell is on trial on Nov 29th for recruiting many girls and young women for Epstein’s and other powerful people for perverse sexual pleasure. Her conviction could potentially lead to the arrest of other high profile people including Prince Andrew.
I also wrote,
Prediction: Daniel Andrews introduction of the new emergency legislation is dropped on the floor for all to trample. This is an interesting image as it shows disregard for the legislation even if it is passed similar to how people ignore him now.
What actually happened:
The legislation was opposed by parliament and forced to change. It was very vocally criticised by politicians and the public.
Prediction: Solid gold goblets with encrusted jewels toasting to victory.
What actually happened: The legalisation was passed to the dismay of the public
Prediction: The elite winning one more battle however his corruption deals, bribes and misappropriation of the law bring him before the courts. The judge smashes him with the gavel. The full extent of the law is brought upon him.
What actually happened:
Shortly after I wrote this, he was served with charges relating to treason in continuing on with a false government acting as a corporation without any referendum being passed by the people. He is in breach of the Commonwealth Constitution The implications of this case could potentially shut down the federal government for operating illegally. The case will be heard on the 17th Dec
Which brings me to the Australian chart with a colossal signature of restructure and reinvention with Pluto in Aquarius approaching the midheaven.
As mentioned in the November Forecast & Predictions, we are a third of the way through out transformational movie, a new epoch is awaiting but not before a tipping point of consciousness is reached of not return that includes,
- A re-invention of systems and how we use resources to serve the people as they can no longer comfortably fall back into the old 3D world of “normal”
- The shadow government and elite must be exposed and held to account to prevent any further enslavement systems being enforced.
November and December is a climax between those trying to take power and refusing to give it over. A test of collective unification is underway.
This is a period of releasing and re-inventing and more importantly, having no resistance to it.
Until next time, take good care of yourself.
Symmone x