July Astrology Reading – The Cancer Containment

The upside of shedding light on the shadow.
July is cancer containment. A good month to dive into the parts of ourselves do we love and what parts do we keep hidden and repressed away in the shadows of the unconscious.
Don’t think they remain boxed up and safety tucked away…nope. The shadow has a way of revealing its existence through feeling imbalanced, a sense of disharmony, saboteurs at work to block our intentions.
Working with shadow is like dancing with air, you know it’s there, but have you ever tried to catch air, to understand what it’s made from?
The good news….once we shine a light, set an intention to open our hearts, the shadow is revealed and we can integrate these behaviours, bad habits, negative emotional patterns, and fears through healing.
Using astrology is like taking the elevator to mountain top rather than the stairs. it’s a fast-tracked way to reveal the shadow you were born with, the themes in life you decided to experience and heal.
For example, within the chart, if there are signatures of sacrifice (Pisces) and you want a loving relationship, we can see the shadow contains a belief that love has to be earned before it’s received. We may find ourselves sacrificing to be needed and belong.
If we find ourselves in situations of betrayal, (Scorpio) we may have experienced an early childhood environment of being emotionally unsafe. The shadow expressed by being guarded and cultivating loneliness, hijacking the desire to open ourselves up and allow love in.
The shadow and its pain is a perception, an experience that lives in the memory banks that has become a part of the identity. It continues to generate a vibrational story and drops into our reality as long as it’s believed. If we continue to believe that we are powerless to change our reality and give energy to anticipating the same story, then we set ourselves up for perpetuating the same story.
Cleaning up the shadow results in feeling lighter, happier, and we feel more whole within ourselves.
Its benefits are a free pass into being who we really are.
Benefit no 1 – Self Love
There’s no theory or learned technique that can tell you how to love yourself. It’s a state of being.
when you have transmuted the identity attached to past memories defining you as broken, inferior, unworthy, or undervalued, you are plugged into the energy of unconditional love. Spoiler alert, its always there. It’s the noise and dull ache of the heavier emotions and thoughtforms drowning out our natural state of love.
Benefit no 2 – Healthy Boundaries
Clear boundaries are stating our position of what we will do and what we won’t do with others. Are you a YES person? Do you avoid confrontation? Do you let people drain you? do your parents control and undermine you like you are still a child?
Attracting unhealthy relationships and people who take advantage of us, humiliate us and ultimately, destroy our self-esteem are indicators of boundaries being crossed and triggering our unworthiness.
The benefit of healthy boundaries is knowing what is right for you, not having to ask for permission and saying yes when it feels right without guilt or resentment. Power struggles disappear, authenticity, truth and your sense of self is present.
Benefit no 3 – Seeing with Clarity
Have you ever been pulled into an argument, trying have the other person understand your viewpoint, hear what you have to say? Feel shocked, betrayed, can’t believe what you are hearing? Whether the accusations are pointed at you, or you are being undermined.
What if you were stand back and see what is really going on? To naturally to observe and not be drawn in? That’s the shadow healed, the part of you needing to feel heard, seen, validated because somewhere in the past you weren’t.
Imagine, being calm and seeing how the other person is struggling with inadequacy or causing drama for attention and you don’t opt in for a round in the ring. Choosing a new road where separation and upheaval doesn’t factor or if it does, you keep driving by.
Working with the shadow within an astrology framework can unearth the dark side of your psyche, the addictions, sexuality, unsatisfying relationships, money issues very quickly. Are you ready to let it go?
Book a breakthrough session with me, and together we can uncover your shadows.